PeroSeminar | 30 May 2024
begins at
30 May 2024
11:00 AM (GMT +03:00)
Room 2201 (PeroLab) + Zoom

ITMO University
Memlumor: a Luminescent Memory Device for Energy-Efficient Photonic Neuromorphic Computing
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In this talk, I will discuss how the concept of memlumor – a luminophore with memory has been recently developed [1-2]. The talk will start with an explanation of a generalized memory device [3]. Then, an introduction to photoluminescence of semiconductors will be given. Afterwards, in the framework of the Shockley-Read-Hall recombination model [4-5], the paradigm of memlumor will be introduced [1-2]. Finally, all the parts will come together to introduce metal halide perovskite memlumors. Here, basic experiments and theory regarding memlumor dynamics will be described. Some vision and applications relevant to memlumor-based photonic neuromorphic computing will be provided at the end.
- [1] Marunchenko, A., Kumar, J., Kiligaridis, A., Tatarinov, D., Pushkarev, A., Vaynzof, Y., & Scheblykin, I. G. (2024). Memlumor: A Luminescent Memory Device for Energy-Efficient Photonic Neuromorphic Computing. ACS Energy Letters, 9, 2075-2082.
- [2] Marunchenko et al Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2024, accepted
- [3] Chua, L. O., & Kang, S. M. (1976). Memristive devices and systems. Proceedings of the IEEE, 64(2), 209-223.
- [4] Shockley, W. T. R. W., & Read Jr, W. T. (1952). Statistics of the recombinations of holes and electrons. Physical review, 87(5), 835.
- [5] Hall, R. N. (1952). Electron-hole recombination in germanium. Physical review, 87(2), 387.