Faculty of Physics is a large international team of talented researchers, teachers, engineers, support employees, and students.
We work on cutting-edge research, follow the latest trends in science and create collaborations at the world level.
We value people above all else. We appreciate each employee and we care that everyone achieves their personal and professional goals in the most comfortable conditions.
We are actively growing, expanding and launching new ambitious projects, and we have many interesting vacancies.
Among the staff and collaborators of our Faculty, there are professors from the best universities in the world: the Australian National University, the University of Iceland, the University of Lorraine, the University of Tor Vergata, the University of Burgundy, and others.
At the Faculty of Physics, we work on joint projects with many world-class scientists, including the Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek.
Together with our foreign partners, we organize international internships for students.
In 2022, our articles have shown an average impact factor of 6.3. You can find the reports of our researchers in Science, Nature Photonics, Physical Review, Nanophotonics, Chemical Reviews, and other top scientific journals.
Impact Factor
Scientific Journal Ranking

For us, academic freedom is not just words, but a way of life. We are free to choose which projects to join, what areas to develop and how to build our career. We have numerous examples of our employees moving from one scientific group to another, forming their own scientific groups, rising up to the Dean’s position, radically changing their field of work, etc. We have a regular feedback system, and our employees can voice their preferences and development needs and be sure that the management will hear and support them.

At our faculty, a large support team is always ready to assist with grant applications, procurement of laboratory equipment, organization of events, promoting new research, installing the necessary software, and much more.

Flat hierarchy, democracy and self-organization are at the heart of our management system. All the key decisions are made collectively by the board of postdocs (employees with an academic degree), and each Faculty member has the right to express their opinion and be heard.
You can always propose your idea, form a work group and implement it: we are enthusiastic about initiative projects and are always open to new things.
And if something goes wrong, we consider mistakes as a source of valuable experience, so we are not afraid of failure.

Teamwork is one of our core values. At our Faculty, you will always find help and support in solving difficult tasks. All our employees, from students to honorary professors, are in the same shared information space; we value horizontal relationships and help to establish them. Our numerous projects are run by interdisciplinary teams, formed from members of different scientific groups: here, everyone is united by one goal and all work together to achieve it.

We do our best to ensure that our employees do not have to tutor in the evenings or look for other part-time jobs. We give people the opportunity to influence their level of income. We work in a comfortable environment with pleasant interiors and modern equipment.

Open, friendly, responsive, sincere, interesting: these are some of the words that our employees use to describe their colleagues. Communication is a crucial part of our work: brilliant ideas and breakthrough projects are born in discussions. And in our free time, we organize fun corporate events, play football and volleyball, go kayaking, or just hang out together and have informal conversations in one of the many bars on Rubinstein Street, right around the corner from our office.

Students are part of our team, and they take part in the key projects of the Faculty along with established researchers.
In 2022, we admitted 87 Bachelor’s students and 47 Master’s students. Their average Unified State Exam (USE) score is 91.5, and 30 of these students are winners of academic Olympiads.
More than half of our students came to us from other regions of Russia (and nine from other countries).

At the Faculty of Physics, even PhD students can win large grants and lead their own research projects.
And if you do not have your own grant, you can always do research interesting to you within the framework of one of the projects implemented at the Faculty. Guided by strong scientific supervisors, our PhD students publish articles in Web of Science and Scopus Q1 journals, including those with first authorship.

Real Girls Do Physics!
We are breaking the stereotype that only men can succeed in science, and we treat all our employees with equal respect, regardless of their gender.
Our female employees obtain PhD and Dr. habil. degrees, achieve brilliant scientific results, make careers in science and management: they supervise scientific groups, achieve Dean’s positions, lead major projects.
In addition, we offer:
- opportunity of continuous professional development (seminars, internships and paid trainings);
- corporate English classes for the employees;
- work in the historic center of St. Petersburg;
- social package: official employment, voluntary health insurance after two year of work, psychological support, holidays in the corporate country recreation center, events for employees and their children, etc.;
- unlimited access to main concepts of physics, told over tea and coffee!