Optical seminar | 18 February 2022
begins at
18 February 2022
12:00 PM (GMT +03:00)

Mr. Mikhail Masharin
ITMO University
2nd year PhD student attestation: Nonlinear optical effects in halide perovskite resonant nanostructures based on exciton-polariton interactions
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The work My Ph.D. research work is devoted to the study of nonlinear optical effects in resonant nanostructures of halide perovskites. In my report, I will briefly touch on perovskites in general, the main approach of extion polaritons and talk about our idea in this area. As the main result of postgraduate scientific activity for 1.5 years, I will dwell in detail on our latest work, published on the arxiv.org "Polaron-enhanced polariton nonlinearity in lead halide perovskites". I will also talk about the formal indicators of a PhD student.
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