Microwave seminar | 27 December 2021

Mr. Vladislav Chistyakov
ITMO University
2-nd year PhD student attestation: study of the electromagnetic properties of quasicrystals and metamaterials manufactured using additive technologies.

The total bandgap for photonic crystals is possible only with strong refractive-index contrast. Moreover, if the disorder is introduced into the structure, this leads to a decrease in the suppression of radiation. I consider two-dimensional aperiodic structures with an arbitrary number and position of Bragg peaks in reciprocal space. For such structures, it was predicted that with an optimal number of Bragg peaks and a low refractive contrast, the existence of a total forbidden band is possible. To demonstrate the advantages of these structures, I compare them with a simple ordered and disordered two-dimensional photonic crystal at the same material contrast. Measurements confirm strong suppression of radiation in the expected frequency range for the aperiodic crystal.
