Microwave seminar | 12 September 2024
begins at
12 September 2024
4:00 PM (GMT +03:00)
Birzhevaya 4, tbd

ITMO University
Screens and antennas for cutoff of the field in the shadow zone
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Diffraction phenomena, impedance and semitransparent screen structures, and antenna structures are considered that provide a sharp decrease (cutoff) of the radiation intensity in the shadow zone.
- Moderately compact helix antennas with cutoff patterns for millimeter RTK positioning, GPS Solutions, v.20, 2016, pp. 587-594
- GPS Satellite Surveying, the 4-th Edition, Wiley, New York, 2015
- Аппаратура высокоточного позиционирования по сигналам глобальных навигационных спутниковых систем. Высокоточные антенны. Специальные методы повышения точности позиционирования, М: МАИ-ПРИНТ, 2010 – 386с