In this colloquium I will talk about the advances in the field of quantum optomechanics. This area of research, based on the radiation pressure-based interaction between optical and mechanical degrees of freedom, has shown to be tremendously useful, with applications ranging from gravitational wave detection to ultraprecise atomic sensing. In the talk I will concentrate on the novel types of the optomechanical coupling, which inherently exploit nonlinearity. First, a hybrid semiconductor-based setup will be discussed, showing the appearance of the dissipative coupling type in both linear and quadratic order. Next, I will introduce the interactive type of coupling for systems with modulated Kerr nonlinearity. Finally, I will show that electromechanical systems with quadratic interaction type can allow for the detection of a single mechanical quanta, thus allowing to test quantum physics at macroscale.
424 room (Birzhevaya line, 14)
424 room (Birzhevaya line, 14)