Введение в клеточную биологию
Язык преподавания
5.00 з.е.
Аудиторная нагрузка
180 академических часов
This educational course is an introduction to cell and molecular biology for physical specialties. The aim of the course is to obtain basic knowledge in the field of fundamental and applied cell and molecular biology for use by scientists of other specialties for use in their scientific field. his course consists of a special section of fundamental (theoretical) cell biology and molecular biology, followed by an applied (experimental) part. In the first part, students will get acquainted with modern data on the organization of model organisms, the structure of cells, organelles, their role and function, interactions between each other, as well as the development of organisms in normal and pathological conditions. The second part of the course will be devoted to the study of methods of molecular biology, genomics, transcriptomics and single cell technologies. As a result, students will gain basic knowledge in the field of cell and molecular biology, allowing them to navigate in this area and understand the basic principles of the structure and use of model objects in biology, medicine, physics, and chemistry. In addition, students will learn about new genomic technologies that are not yet available in Russia and can be used in various fields of science.
Содержание курса
  1. Fundamental principles of cell structure: General structure, Organoids, Main cellular methods
  2. The Central dogma of molecular biology: DNA, RNA, protein: DNA, RNA, Proteins, Methods, new experiments
  3. Model objects of cell and molecular biology: Mice as the main object, Danio rerio, Human Invertebrates
  4. The latest methods for studying the genome. transcriptome and proteome: Immunocytochemistry DNA investigations, genomes RNA investigations, transcriptomes Protein methods
Силлабус курса
Syllabus830.37 КБ