Quantum seminar | 04 December 2024
2530 + Zoom
Atoms are often used as sensitive instruments to study physical processes in astrophysics and in plasma physics, as well as to search for “new physics” beyond the Standard Model. In all these cases we need to know atomic properties with very high accuracy. This often requires to account for the QED corrections not only for the transition frequencies, but also for the transition amplitudes and other observables. In this talk I will discuss QED corrections to the E1 transition amplitudes in many-electron atoms. In particular, I will present recent results for neutral Cs and for the Neon-like Fe and Ni, Fe16+ and Ni18+.
G. Kozlov, V. A. Yerokhin, M. Y. Kaygorodov, and E. V. Tryapitsyna, QED calculations of the E1 transition amplitude in neonlike iron and nickel, Phys. Rev. A, accepted for publication, arXiv:2410.02489