Microwave seminar | 28 February 2022

Dr. Ekaterina Brui
ITMO University
Plans for PostDoc projects

In this talk, I plan to briefly describe my previous scientific experience and introduce the projects I would like to take part in as a PostDoc

1. Comparative analysis of SINC‑shaped and SLR pulses performance for contiguous multi‑slice fast spin‑echo imaging using metamaterial‑based MRI. Ekaterina A. Brui, Stanislas Rapacchi , David Bendahan, and Anna Andreychenko. Magn Reson Mater Phy. — 2021. —[DOI: 10.1007/s10334-021-00937-w]
2. Deep learning‐based fully automatic segmentation of wrist cartilage in MR images. Ekaterina Brui, Aleksandr Y. Efimtcev, Vladimir A. Fokin, Remi Fernandez, Anatoliy G. Levchuk, Augustin C. Ogier, Alexey A. Samsonov, Jean P. Mattei, Irina Melchakova, David Bendahan, Anna Andreychenko. NMR in Biomedicine , vol. 33 , pp. e4320, 2020 [DOI: 10.1002/nbm.4320 ]