Microwave seminar | 04 April 2022

Mr. Maksim Tumashov
ITMO University
THz-sensing approaches for detection of thin-film analytes properties

Nowadays, quantification of thin-film material parameters is an important task in chemistry, biomedicine, security, and other applications. The common approach useful for optically opaque thin films is based on time-domain or frequency-domain terahertz spectroscopy. In this work, we briefly review the existed methods for thin-film sensing, their benefits and disadvantages, and represent the design of metasurface with a strongly narrow stop-band resonance to provide thickness measurements up to several microns using spectroscopy-free way.

N. Nikolaev, S. Kuznetsov, and M. Beruete, “Angle-susceptible narrowband terahertz metasurface for thin-film sensing,” in 2018 48th European Microwave Conference (EuMC) (IEEE, 2018) pp. 420–423.
J. D. Ortiz, J. D. Baena, V. Losada, F. Medina, and J. L. Araque, “Spatial angular filtering by FSSs made of chains of interconnected SRRs and CSRRs,” IEEE microwave and wireless components letters 23, 477–479 (2013).
M. Beruete and I. Jáuregui-López, “Terahertz sensing based on metasurfaces,” Advanced Optical Materials 8, 1900721 (2020).