In this lecture the principles of magnetic resonance imaging will be presented from the perspective of signal generation and image formation, i.e., signal processing perspective. The basic physical principles behind signal generation in MRI yet will have to be briefly reviewed in a simplified form. These principles are magnetic polarization (achieved by applying very strong uniform magnet), excitation (achieved by using powerful radiofrequency transmitter), acquisition (achieved by applying gradient magnetic fields). It will be shown how based on these principles a signal can be generated and recorded. The rest of the lecture will be devoted to review of the basic principles for making use of nuclear magnetic resonance data. The key signal processing techniques used are: Fourier- or k-space and image formation from the k-space. The key parameters for sampling k-space are: resolution, contrast, field of view, bandwidth, time of acquisition, SNR. The relationship between these parameters will be informally discussed. The process called pulse sequence consisting of RF pulse transmission followed by acquisition will be explained, detailing to some extend only the basic T1, T2, STIR, and FLAIR pulse sequences.