Семинар компании Bosch


Кронверкский пр. 49, 4 этаж, Актовый зал.

29 ноября в 15:00 в Актовом зале Университета ИТМО на Кронверкском проспекте 49 пройдет семинар с участием представителей компании "Bosch". Dr. Uwe Iben (Руководитель отдела технологий и исследований) и Dr. Timofey Kruglov (Ведущий инженер) выступят с лекцией «Прикладная математика».

Приглашаются все желающие.

ABSTRACT: Applied mathematics plays an increasing role in the design of products. Simple calculations are done to estimate the functionality as well as reliability of components, e.g. flow rate, forces, momentum. In a second step, the interaction of components in a system is considered. The modeling equations get more complicated and operate in multi-dimensional spaces. Consequently, more developed solvers have to be used to simulate the modeling equations or optimize functionalities under parameter restrictions. Nowadays, physical models and sensor data are often used to control the functionality of systems. Here, algorithms are required, which extract information, identify properties, and combine different scales as well as physical domains.
The following methods are discussed:
- Modeling particulate/porous media using Discrete Element Method (DEM).
- Assessing transport properties (diffusivity, conductivity) of solid and liquid phases using random walk and percolation.
- Application of these methods to supercapacitors, batteries, fuel cells, sensors, and catalysts.
- Boundary Element Methods (BEM) in hydrodynamics and electrodynamics. Solver for Prandtl equation and its binding with BEM solver.
Several examples from Bosch research and engineering activities are presented.