Оптический семинар. Stephan Guerin


Ломоносова 9, ауд. 2530


Prof. Stephan Guerin,

Deputy Director - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB), Universite de Bourgogne


Quantum optics and quantum control at the nanoscale via plasmonics

In this work, we derive effective Hamiltonians, which allows us to describe the metallic nanoparticleemitter interaction in full analogy with cQED formalism using a multimodal lossy cavity. We discuss (i) the concept of dressed states of quantum emitter strongly coupled to a metal nanoparticle, leading for instance to efficient/ blockade population transfers or superradiance/subradiance effects, and (ii) the multi-emitter adiabatic control via quantum plasmonics, for instance via stimulated.
Raman adiabatic processes, which feature the key property of robustness. Cooperative emission by quantum plasmonic superradiance will be also addressed. The quantization of plasmons is usually analyzed under the assumption of an infinite-sized bulk medium interacting with the electromagnetic field. We show how to reformulate it for finite-size nano-structures, highlighting sharp differences.