Оптический семинар. А. Лавриненко и Е.Хестанова

Биржевая линия В.О. 14, ауд. 301/5

Dear colleagues,

Upcoming General and Optical seminar will be held at Birzhevaja 14/16.


1) Prof. Andrei V. Lavrinenko "Hyberbolic MetaMaterials (HMM), Epsilon Near Zero (ENZ) metamaterials and water - do we know how to use them?"

Abstract: In my talk I will overview our latest findings in fabrication and characterization of hyperbolic metamaterials, in particular answering the questions how thin should be the layers and how many periods can suffice the quest for effective properties. Further on I will report on out activities with epsilon-near-zero materials, namely, whether TiN can be considered as a realistic case especially at low temperatures, down to cryogenic 1.5K. Some examples on biosensing with metamaterials will be given. In conclusion I will show how high-index dielectric - water - can really facilitate emission of electrically small antennas.

2) Dr. Ekaterina Khestanova, (11:10 - 11:30) - Optical technical seminar (without an abstract) "Transfer System"​