Микроволновый семинар. Гинзбург


ул. Ломоносова, 9

Ауд. 1220


Prof. Pavel Ginzburg ('Dynamics of Nanostructures' Laboratory, Electrical Engineering, TelAviv University, Israel) 

'Partially coherent radar unties range resolutionfrom bandwidth limitations'

Abstract: It is widelybelieved that range resolution, the ability to distinguish between two closelysituated targets, depends inversely on the bandwidth of the transmitted radarsignal. Here we demonstrate a different type of ranging system, which possessessuperior range resolution that is almost completely free of bandwidthlimitations. By sweeping over the coherence length of the transmitted signal,the partially coherent radar experimentally demonstrates an improvement of overan order of magnitude in resolving targets, compared to standard coherentradars with the same bandwidth. A theoretical framework is developed to showthat the resolution could be further improved without a bound, revealing atradeoff between bandwidth and sweep time. This concept offers solutions toproblems which require high range resolution and accuracy but availablebandwidth is limited, as is the case for the autonomous car industry, opticalimaging, and astronomy to name just few.

Approximate time: 60 minutes.